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Matchbox labels made in the Soviet Union made in 1957. The text on the labels reads:”6th Festival”.
The 6th World Festival of Youth and Students was held from 28 July to 5 August 1957 in Moscow, capital city of the then Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The festival attracted 34,000 people from 130 countries. This became possible after the political changes initiated by Nikita Khrushchev. It was the first World Festival of Youth and Students held in the Soviet Union.
A minor international incident was provoked around the attendance of left-wing Iraqi writer Ga’ib Tu’ma Farman at the festival. The Iraqi government revoked Farman’s citizenship while he was abroad, effectively stranding him in Moscow as a stateless person. This situation was resolved by the intervention of the Chinese delegation who agreed to officially invite Farman to Beijing. He went on to work for Foreign Languages Press.

Matchbox Label Soviet Russia 6th World Festival Of Youth And Students 1957

€ 0,50Price

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